Hi there! I’m Aubree, married to my best friend and mama to three amazing kids. We live in Ventura County and are at the beach as much as possible. I love to read mystery/suspense books, sushi and salad are my favorite foods, I can never own enough bathing suits, and I hate peanut butter.

In high school I got my first digital camera and I was obsessed with taking photos of nature. (Like so so many pictures of cool clouds and sunsets. haha) After my oldest was born I began to capture all her big moments and then fell in love with taking photos of everything in between. We had two more kids and timed seemed to pass so quickly. It made me treasure every single photo I had of them. When my youngest was almost two I decided to enroll in a shooting and editing photography course and turn this hobby of mine into a business and something I could share with others.

I think it’s important to capture real, raw candid moments, just as much as a smiling, posed photo. I am a huge people person and I love meeting new people. Starting my own photography business has been even more of a joy than I thought it would be. I get to hang out with people, talk and have fun with them, capture family memories, pregnancies, newborns and all the times in life that are worth celebrating and remembering. I look forward to meeting you!